British Chambers of Commerce

Rutland Chamber of Commerce is an accredited Chamber of the British Chambers of Commerce.

There are over 50 national Chambers and by being one of our Rutland members you will have access to information and expert support at a local, regional, national and international level.

From the campaigns and Budget Statements, Brexit support, Quarterly Economic Surveys, to International Trade or great new ideas, they work on our and your behalf at national level supporting and delivering campaigns and updates

We also bring you the latest news and policy updates from British Chambers of Commerce.

We have an international reach

The British Chambers of Commerce and the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe (COBCOE) reached an agreement that sees an additional 24 additional British Chambers across Europe, which significantly expands our reach and practical, real-world support for trade between the UK and the Continent.

This agreement means that the BCC Global Business Network now includes 49 British Chambers around the world – doubling the strength of the network in markets worldwide.

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